Signs and Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer month

Signs and Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer

What Is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal cancer is the most common type of cancer in the colon, but the symptoms may vary among different individuals. Usually, the disease begins as a precancerous polyp. These can be adenomatous, serrated, or both. They grow slowly and do not cause symptoms until they are very large. Fortunately, there are several treatments for colon cancer, including surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation.

Symptoms of colorectal cancer

While most people have no symptoms of colon cancer when it is at an early stage, others may exhibit signs and symptoms. In many cases, the primary sign of colorectal carcinoma is a polyp, which may be bleeding or cancerous. If the polyp becomes bleeding, blood may be found in the stool. Depending on the stage of the disease, blood tests may also show a low red blood cell count, which may indicate a tumor.

Some patients may experience bloating, a swollen abdomen, and a loss of appetite. Brain and spinal cord cancer symptoms can include pain, confusion, memory loss, and double vision. Regardless of the cause of the symptoms, the first step is to visit a medical professional. The cancer treatment specialists at Cancer Treatment Centers of America will determine if colorectal tumors are present.

If the tumor has spread to nearby lymph nodes or distant organs, there are several treatment options available for this disease. CT scans and chest X-rays are two of the most common tests used to assess the progression of colon cancer. A biopsy, or biopsies, is a common diagnostic tool. When the tumor has spread throughout the colon, a biopsy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.

Some people experience anemia, which is a shortage of red blood cells. This condition can cause a swollen abdomen and a loss of appetite. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should visit a doctor immediately. Even if you have no symptoms, a colorectal cancer diagnosis can save your life. While many people who are diagnosed with this disease do not have any symptoms, the early detection and treatment of the disease are essential for your health.

The severity of the disease depends on the stage. A lower stage means that cancer has not spread to other parts of the body. Higher stages mean that cancer has spread to other parts of the body, and treatment will depend on whether it is still contained in the colon or not. The most important part of diagnosis is a thorough examination by a medical professional. A colorectal scan can reveal signs of colorectal cancer.

The symptoms of colorectal cancer may not be readily apparent until it has spread. However, if it is diagnosed in its early stages, the patient will have already been diagnosed with colorectal cancer. During the later stages of the disease, there will be more pain and weight loss. Additional signs may include abdominal pain. In more advanced stages, cancer has spread to the liver and will cause further symptoms.

In stage 0 lesions, also called carcinoma in situ, remain inside the lining of the rectum or colon. This is the earliest stage of colorectal cancer. At this stage, the lesion is pre-cancerous, but it is not cancer. In this case, the symptoms of colorectal cancer can include abdominal pain, constipation, and weight loss. These symptoms may be caused by another condition, and a physician should examine you to rule out other potential causes.

Colorectal cancer is a serious disease. It is often characterized by the presence of hemorrhoids, blood in the stool, and abdominal pain. It may also be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, people who experience a tumor in the rectum may experience a sudden increase in abdominal pain or weight loss. These are common, but they are not necessarily signs of colorectal cancer.

Bright red or dark red blood in the stool is one of the common colorectal cancer symptoms. In addition to a bowel infection, colorectal cancer is caused by tumors in the lining of the colon. If the lining of the colon is damaged, blood can leak into the surrounding organs. In these cases, the tumor may spread to distant organs. Fortunately, most colorectal cancer symptoms can be detected early.

Interdisciplinary Research Journal and Archives

Categories: Medical